Our company secures your business processes, as a service provider for complex office moves, and inhouse for ad-hoc office furniture rearrangements and for smaller maintenance work. Our specialists plan meticulously, our packers are trained experts, and we have the necessary equipment for a smooth operation.

Your management and your employees will deal with one designated MTL move manager throughout the entire move process. In close co-operation with your management we draw up precise room and installation plans in advance and a schedule for the entire move.

Our packer team has lots of experience with the removal and installation of classroom furniture in educational institutions.

As a removal company with long experience in overseas and international removals, we also support the mobility of your employees - nationally, internationally, and inter-continentally.

Continuous improvement of our work is a company principle. We train specialists in their fields, and attach great importance to regular  inspections and meetings in order to ensure a high professional level. In order to show that we upkeep our level of professionalism and quality, we undergo the certification process in compliance with DIN EN IS0 9001 every year.

Have a look at our references. 

Most of our customers are located in the Frankfurt Rhein Main area. 

Let us know which service you need. Here can find details on planning and carrying out office moves. 

Call us, contact us by e-mail or use our inquiry form. 


Your contact:

mtl team Achim Mackensen 2022 2
Achim Mackensen

Organization and implementation of office moves / dispatch of van moves / storage management

+49 (0) 6031 16173 -10

mtl team samet bulut
Samet Bulut

Assistant for office moves

+49 (0) 6031 16173 -16

Frequently Asked Questions relating to company moves

We are well aware that security aspects play an essential role in an office move. We can guarantee security for your documents and media as well as protection for your furniture at every stage of the move.

  • Security aspects are explicitly taken into account when planning the move.
  • The employees of MTL can be identified by their uniform company clothing.
  • For sensitive files and data recording media we use lockable security or IT containers, the contents of which are hidden from view.
  • For paper files and libraries we use special book trolleys. The books are sorted into these trolleys exactly according to their place of origin.
  • Throughout the entire process, a fixed contact person is available to discuss and implement specific security aspects.

Modern offices are cross-linked by information technology. We transport computers, servers, hard disks, monitors and all related hardware, marked accordingly, in close cooperation with the responsible department or the specialist assigned by your company, and deposit all items at the designated places at the unloading site. We use special roller trays for this purpose.


Yes. Depending on the weight of the safes and conditions on site, we transport safes ourselves or commission a certified partner company in possession of the appropriate special equipment.


In order to ensure safe disposal, we commission a certified specialist company that records the destruction process and the destroyed stocks. We work closely with this company during the removal process in order to dovetail the workflow and logistical process and thus optimise them.

MTL operates secured furniture warehouses in Friedberg near Frankfurt and in Berlin Marienfelde. There we regularly store office furniture and confidential files for major customers and deliver them promptly when required.


Depending on the condition of the furniture, we will buy useful pieces from you to resell, or we will give it away to charitable institutions and social and cultural initiatives. 
We dispose of furniture that is no longer usable at a recycling company.

In larger office complexes there is always a need for removal services: 

  • Workplaces need to be newly furnished or relocated;
  • Documents and recording media must be stored or retrieved;
  • Furniture must be rearranged, rooms need to be tidied up;
  • After rearrangements, cleaning and renovation work is necessary.

If you book our in-house service, our staff will be at your disposal for these services at short notice. 
Please also ask us if a service is not on the list. We can do many different things and are creative practitioners.

You only pay for the services actually provided.

This is where the capacities and potentials of MTL reach their limits. While we can transport individual machines depending on their size and weight – this can be clarified during a site inspection – we are not equipped for the relocation of larger units and production lines. Based on our knowledge of the industry, we will be happy to put you in touch with a suitable company.

If employee mobility and flexible workspaces are part of the working conditions of your company, you should contact us for competitive fixed prices for defined service modules fixed by an agreement. You are not bound to us by this agreement. For special requirements we will be happy to work out an individual concept for you.

„Ich möchte mich noch mal sehr herzlich für die tollen Kollegen bedanken, die Sie uns da vorbeigeschickt haben! Alle vier waren hochprofessionell, sehr engagiert und immer freundlich. Und das, obwohl wir noch so manches schwere Möbelstück doch wieder von Raum A in Raum B haben wollten oder Schreibtische noch mal andersrum gestellt werden sollten – stets war die Reaktion freundlich und gelassen. Das hat mich sehr entlastet, und auch unsere Kollegen waren voll des Lobes.
Bitte übermitteln Sie den Herren vom Umzugsteam noch mal meinen herzlichen Dank!“

M.G., REWE Deutscher Supermarkt AG & Co. KGaA 

Umzug innerhalb des Firmengebäudes

„Der Umzug ist jetzt vorbei und es ist fast ein wenig schade. Ihre Leute waren Spitzenklasse und die Arbeit wirklich sehr professionell, vor allem, wenn man daran denkt, dass während des Umzugs hier immer noch die Handwerkerteams an der Arbeit waren, die oft Ihre Leute sehr behindert haben. Ihre Mitarbeiter waren stets sehr freundlich und lösungsorientiert und haben sich immer etwas einfallen lassen, um den Auftrag zu einem guten Ende zu bringen. Ich selbst habe diesmal einen Einblick in die Arbeit einer Umzugsfirma erhalten, den man auch nicht alle Tage bekommt. Wir wünschen Ihnen und Ihrem Team geruhsame Festtage und im nächsten Jahr viel Gesundheit und ein stets volles Auftragsbuch!“

Frankfurter Werkgemeinschaft e.V.

Firmenumzug in Frankfurt

Das Team um Herrn Mackensen hat bei dem Umzug des Fachbereichs Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz der Kreisverwaltung Groß-Gerau vom 10.2 bis 26.2.2014 sehr gute Arbeit geleistet. Die Männer von MTL waren stets freundlich und zuvorkommend und erledigten ihre Arbeit zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit.“

Umzug des Fachbereichs Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz 
Kreis Groß-Gerau

„Unser Umzug der Waffenkammer mit dem Umstellen eines schweren Tresors am gestrigen und heutigen Tag ist mit Hilfe Ihrer Mitarbeiter perfekt und schnell abgelaufen. Die Bediensteten der Waffenbehörde möchten sich bei Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeitern ausdrücklich für die vorzügliche und äußerst angenehme Zusammenarbeit bedanken.“

Landratsamt Groß-Gerau Spezialumzug
Kreis Groß-Gerau